A bit about this website

Hi. I’m David Woodward, author of the Matt Dowling mystery series and a number of other novels and short stories.

Great News! After a long wait, the second book in the Matt Dowling series is now being published on Amazon. So why the picture of Brisbane’s Storey Bridge?  Book 2 sees Matt and Luisa having to go to Australia to find a missing teenager and a lot of the action centres around Brisbane. We were introduced to this great continent when our son met and married an Australian girl. Their wedding took place in Brisbane in 2003 when we had our third ‘holiday of a lifetime’. Regrettably we have only been back there once since then – around a dozen years ago. However, the friendliness of the people we met made a lasting impression on us as did the wide open spaces, the heat and the pace of development. I can’t imagine the changes we will find when we finally get to visit again.

On this website you will be able to find information about all of my books, my short stories and a little bit about me. You will also be able to comment on what you have read via the contact page. I hope you will give your comments on my books and I am sure those comments will only be of a constructive nature.

By signing up via the contact page, you will be advised when new titles are being released, and what is in the pipeline, before anybody else.

I hope you enjoy your visit and I look forward to our communicating in the future.


David Woodward.